Tuesday, April 28, 2015


Spring is in full swing here in the southern Appalachians, despite the frigid nighttime lows that is. (I had to build a fire this morning in the wood stove because it was 50 degrees inside and 25 out.) My favorite flower, trillium, is everywhere in my woods, more than I have ever seen before. I can only remember seeing a couple wimpy ones last year, but this year they are everywhere and growing up to two feet high! I had much to do today, but I took a few minutes to make some images of trillium near a stream on my property. These were shot on a point and shoot on a tripod, I'm awaiting the arrival of some medium format film scans from the lab and will post those images asap. Thanks for viewing!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Monday, April 20, 2015

Appalachian Wildflowers

This time of year, early spring, is an exciting time in the Appalachians. The trees have yet to sprout fully formed leaves. The sunlight, trickling down through the bare branches to the forest floor, invites tiny plants to pop out of the soggy dirt and lift their small, yet colorful, flowers to the sky. Soon the trees will soak up all the sun's energy leaving little light for these tiny plants. They only bloom for a short time, so one must enjoy the sight.
(c) 2015 Jon Reaves
(c) 2015 Jon Reaves
(c) 2015 Jon Reaves
(c) 2015 Jon Reaves

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

A Moment in Nature, Week 10 - Slow Movers

Well, here it is folks! The final video in the ten week series...thanks for tuning in! Earth Day is next week, so get outside and enjoy America's great outdoors!

A Moment in Nature, Week 10 - Slow Movers from Wild Angle Media on Vimeo.

"A Moment in Nature" is a series of short films documenting peace and beauty in our natural world. I decided to poke through the archives of video clips I'd accumulated over the past several years and turn them into moment long reflections of experiences in nature. These shorts are designed to promote conservation of our wild lands here in Appalachia, as well as inspire folks to spend a little time in the great American outdoors. I will post one video in this series each week for the next ten weeks, ending on Earth Day, 2015. -Jon Reaves-Photographer, Filmmaker, Environmentalist

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Pic of the Week!

Roaring Creek Falls, near the Pisgah National Forest, North Carolina. 35mm Film.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

A Moment in Nature, Week 9 - Forest Flora

A Moment in Nature, Week 9 - Forest Flora from Wild Angle Media on Vimeo.

"A Moment in Nature" is a series of short films documenting peace and beauty in our natural world. I decided to poke through the archives of video clips I'd accumulated over the past several years and turn them into moment long reflections of experiences in nature. These shorts are designed to promote conservation of our wild lands here in Appalachia, as well as inspire folks to spend a little time in the great American outdoors. I will post one video in this series each week for the next ten weeks, ending on Earth Day, 2015. -Jon Reaves-Photographer, Filmmaker, Environmentalist

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Pic of the Week!

Ross Island Lighthouse, near Grand Manan, New Brunswick, Canada.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

A Moment in Nature, Week 8 - Windy Bald

A Moment in Nature, Week 8 - Windy Bald from Wild Angle Media on Vimeo.

"A Moment in Nature" is a series of short films documenting peace and beauty in our natural world. I decided to poke through the archives of video clips I'd accumulated over the past several years and turn them into moment long reflections of experiences in nature. These shorts are designed to promote conservation of our wild lands here in Appalachia, as well as inspire folks to spend a little time in the great American outdoors. I will post one video in this series each week for the next ten weeks, ending on Earth Day, 2015. -Jon Reaves-Photographer, Filmmaker, Environmentalist

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

My First 35mm Film Landscapes in Years!

I sent my roll of Kodak Ektar 100 off to Indie Film Lab, and after 2 weeks of biting my nails, my scans were finally uploaded today! Got a few decent shots. I forgot about the crazy sharpness and amazing dynamic range that comes with a pro quality film. Overall I'm happy with my images from that single roll and I'm excited to shoot some more. Of course, as with every shoot, I discovered that there are a couple things I can work on. Shooting on film is less forgiving than digital. But I love that I don't have to spend hours in Lightroom tweaking images. 

Here are a few shots from my first roll of film in several years. I used a Canon EOS 3 and 17-40L mounted on a tripod...that's it.

Roaring Creek, Near the Pisgah National Forest, North Carolina

Roaring Creek, Near the Pisgah National Forest, North Carolina

Moss and Oak Leaves, Roaring Creek, North Carolina

Pic of the Week!

Promethea Moth, Creston, North Carolina